
A 40 Port Pixel LED Parallel controller is a device used to control a large number of Pixel LED lights arranged in a parallel circuit. These programmable LED lights are capable of displaying a wide range of colors and patterns, making them popular for use in stage lighting, architectural lighting, and other applications that require dynamic lighting effects.

The 40 Port Pixel LED Parallel controller is designed to control up to 40 individual Pixel LED light strings or strips that are connected in parallel. The controller is typically connected to a computer or other control device used to program the lighting effects for the Pixel LED lights.

The controller allows users to program a wide range of lighting effects, such as color changes, fades, and animations. It can also be programmed to respond to music or other audio input, enabling synchronized lighting effects.

Installing a 40 Port Pixel LED Parallel controller typically involves connecting the Pixel LED lights to the controller using cables or connectors. The controller is then connected to a computer or other control device using a USB or Ethernet cable.

Overall, a 40 Port Pixel LED Parallel controller is a powerful tool for controlling large numbers of Pixel LED lights in complex lighting applications. It allows users to create custom lighting effects and synchronize them with music or other audio inputs, making it a versatile and dynamic lighting solution.


100X40, 50X40




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